Let's stand up for good health

I discovered this trend after looking – staring – decidedly unhungrily for my gender at the youngish lovelies who fill our streets.
Quite nice complexions, you’d say, a keen sense of style, even though tattooing doesn’t do it for me, and often freshly shampooed hair styled into the odd top-knots that’s seemingly part of modern fashion.
Huge, massive!
But – sorry – these gals are huge, massive, and physically spread out from doing rather more conscientiously, thoroughly, what everyone does. Sitting. Much more excessively, I presume.
Getting home from sitting at the office, and on the bus or tube back, they plonk down in front of the idiot box for the evening.
The situation is so bad in this part of London at least it’s a surprise that they are not targeted by conservationists protesting about what's harming our world.
If two-thirds of the population now weighs a third more, what effect does that have on planet Earth?
Online I found some thoughts on this very dilemma on the excellent ThoughtCo. What do we gain from standing up to work?
Writer Chris Adams reports that sitting for long periods of time causes metabolic issues, we don’t produce ‘chemicals necessary for processing sugars and fats, and our circulation suffers.
‘Standing allows your body to adjust and move easily, flexing your muscles continuously,’ he reports. ‘It also keeps your blood circulating well. Continues on the blogs for my ocean adventuring book, Sailing to Purgatoryhttp://sailingtopurgatory.com/index.php/feeds/462-let-s-stand-up-for-good-health
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