Monday, October 28, 2019


No surprise that the world’s most powerful buffoon had to turn to murder to attempt to square up the tragedy he began by unleashing political Turks over the border into Syria.
But is slaughter or - if the official account is to be believed - causing the suicide of a serious menace the way of an intelligent, modern world?
Perfectly the norm in Roman times, but is it how we of the apparently modern world should react, especially the, er, leader of the most civilised and intelligent nation?
We – the powers-that-be here – certainly didn’t accept it when Russia seemingly did much the same, though rather less expensively and messily, in Salisbury.

Most advanced nation

And yet when the most advanced nation on earth,
   the seat of astonishing intellectual power,
   a country whose brains can put a man on the moon,
   can explore Space,
   can perform near miracles in medicine,
faces a negative force, it forgets its brain and applies the brawn.
Our school children are taught – are advised - against brainless resorting to fighting. Violence isn’t the way of bright people these days, they have been learning.
What are they to make of the most recent headlines, emblazoned on TV and pushed out on radio waves, which show that the way of the brightest nation is to forget justice and get even by collecting your mates and sending them in with knives bared?  Continues on the blogs for my adventure story ...


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