Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Poor old footballers if your face doesn't fit

Examples of racism in football and in any aspect of life are not be to be belittled ... only the apparently racist remarks in the football match that's spotlit in the media today were against big blokes, superfit, males well able to protect themselves, and (presumably) astonishingly well rewarded.
A curious aspect to the, well, jeers is that were fired at people at (presumably) the height of their careers.
Which isn't to suggest they would have been strangers to it in their earlier lives.
Society doesn't let people who look somewhat different from the majority pass by uncommented-upon.

Our taste buds

It's part of our DNA, as human as our taste buds, and our individual choice of the opposite gender.
And it is very much a part of our inborn, natural xenophobia, the very reason why we have local accents and maintain a sort of uniformity with our clothes, I'd suggest.
It's what helped keep our forebears relatively safe. What's this? Someone defending racism? Not at all. It's a thought from a fellow who really suffered it in his childhood, and so understands.
Why would a white child with an educated accent suffer from a form of racism? Continues on http://sailingtopurgatory.com/index.php/feeds/454-poor-old-footballers-if-your-face-doesn-t-fit


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