Unbuttoning on those terrorist shirt buttons
A form of ignorance has kept me buttoned-up on that
aggravating challenge of what to do with those spare buttons manufacturers
stick on shirts.

Lose a button? Snip one off the bottom and sew that in its
Similarly, if you hold to that generous idea – that the
shirtmaker is on our side and wants to help – you will have overlooked the odd
places where the tab with laundry advice is affixed.
They aren't on our side
We, the folk who paid for the shirt, want it Out Of The Way.
Manufacturers don’t put it Out Of The Way. That’s the last thing they’d do.
You see, the shirt makers aren’t on our side at all. I
suspect they despise us.
They have to put up with us because without our custom
they’d never sell shirts and probably have to turn to some other anti-human
profession, like dentistry, or Customs uniform-wearing, or NHS identity-check
Continues on the blogs for my ocean adventure book, Sailing to Purgatory, at SailingToPurgatory.com
Continues on the blogs for my ocean adventure book, Sailing to Purgatory, at SailingToPurgatory.com
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