Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Watch out, parents! Vaping's here

Spare a thought for newish parents who aren’t aware of some of the, er, delights that go with parenthood. I mean specifically those things that are must-haves and must-do delights for the kids, which parents see as harmful.
In high school years there were the gropers in cinemas who suddenly changed seats to be beside you
the moment the lights went down. Booze, of course. Beer was ok for adults but somehow could harm terribly the growing young.
And worst sin of all after s-x came smoking, a growth-stunter, a wrecker of lungs, a destroyer of porcelain that would cause your teeth fall out.
In recent years, parents have had it much easier. Smoking in the home is forbidden and notices in public places, probably in the home, too, spell it out.
There’s been much less obvious smoking, too, apart from those eccentric little groups outside offices that brave the wet and the wind.

Anonymous groping

Booze seems to be more strictly controlled, and smaller, compact cinemas hardly encourage anonymous groping.
However, seriously bad news is about to disturb parenthood. Vaping!
Yes, smoking, sort of, but not quite smoking, with an interior that doesn’t seem to be tobacco, yet appears to be loaded with what’s bad for kids, for us.
Given the long and sorry list of harmful and toxic chemicals in cigarettes, vaping is almost certainly less dangerous to your health, reports ‘But don't be fooled into thinking that e-cigs are without risks or that you should now be able to vape to your heart's content. Or that they're plain healthy.’ 

Continues on the blogs for my ocean adventure book, Sailing to Purgatory, at


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