Monday, September 30, 2019

Food for thought ... and for a better sleep

Don’t we all know lucky souls who leap out of bed in the morning completely refreshed, aggravating folk who can’t wait to begin their daily chores? Or at
least they wake refreshed enough to claim they do.
Life each day isn’t like this for many of us, not even rarely, perhaps even most of us.
The negatives of daily life so often don’t uphold the early promise about how fantastic adult will be.

A blessing

Writer, Melissa Chu, used to believe, too, that waking up bright and alert was a blessing reserved for the fortunate few.
However, wanting to change her daily routine, she experimented with a variety of strategies, and woke up, as it were, to quite a very different life. Writing in Medium dot com, she recommends methods to get a good night’s sleep and wake up energised.
Exercise, some exercise, leads the plan, and her notion of exercise doesn’t seem to be those weird sweat-drenching things people do in gyms.
Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. Melissa wants us to do whatever gets our ‘blood running and the endorphins going.’
It might be gardening, or walking. …Continues on the blogs for my ocean adventure book, Sailing to Purgatory, at

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hush! Not a word about the big red bus

THE SPOILT BRAT hits out like, well, a spoilt brat and the Commons is in uproar over the language and the claims of giving the people what they voted
for - not mentioning, of course, the countrywide propaganda handed out by the infamous big red bus.
It certainly seems that the B word, for that painted bus that toured UK promoting an exit from the EU, has been excluded from the language - the political language, anyway.


The brat and his hard right supporters insist they want to give the public what they want.
And there's no doubt that a little more than half of the voters in the poll did go for brexit. But the reason for the big turn out for the poll and why the majority voted for change is not mentioned these days by the fat lad and his hard-right cronies.
However, what an education the Big Red Bus on its extensive tour of UK gave us. We all learned then why we must wait rather a long time in NHS queues at hospitals.
The cause, we learned, was because the money the NHS needed was going into the pockets of Europe's fat cats. … Continues on the blogs for my ocean adventuring book, Sailing to Purgatory, at

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Methinks the ladies (perhaps) doth protest too much

Methinks they protest rather too much when they – the media – complain that someone who dominates the headlines is, well, taking advantage of the opposite gender, or trying to.
And extraordinarily the papers seem to throw more and more of this, er, news at us.
The latest who has apparently been taking advantage of the opposite gender, or attempting to, is the internationally famous and brilliant opera tenor, Placido Domingo, 78.

Gifted fellow

It’s true that the gifted fellow is no longer quite a male model, but with his talent, it’s hard to imagine he would need to.
It is his voice that earns the bucks, and I would have imagined it attracted more relative maidens than a man in his late seventies would know what to do with.
Aren’t most people very aware of the desire of so many young women to, well, at least cuddle the top singers of the world, whether they be 18, or in Placedo’s case 78.
Nothing new about the news of pop stars being besieged by friendly gals.
Placido is head and shoulders above a pop star, if not in stature certainly in voice. Here is a fellow who is a household name right across the world, whose extraordinarily beautiful voice is heard in recordings – and in opera – in east and western hemispheres.
As the talented gentleman is so famous and constantly surrounded by the opposite gender, it is very hard to imagine why he would – how he could be said to – grope strangers.
And yet, much of the media, … Continues on my blogs for my sea story, Sailing to Purgatory, here ...