That crazy law gets even crazier
One of the oddest trials involving Tricky Dicky’s drugs laws that I’ve read about in recent times – very recent, in fact, this month - comes from upmarket, educated Cambridge of all unlikely places.
As regular readers will know, I don’t favour the notion that our elected elders and betters know more about what’s good for us that we do.
I don’t do drugs, as the expression goes.
No appeal
I don’t take or smoke that sort of thing because they/it have/has no appeal.
The decision has nothing to do with whether some politician of little life experience makes it illegal. I believe that's how it is with most adults.
And I don’t not do it because a corrupt prosecution sentenced me to 19 years in prison for smuggling drugs on my swallowing-the-anchor voyage that came no closer to Britain than part-way up the Bay of Biscay.
I am sure the prosecution realised I couldn’t possibly have done it, but still pursued their dirty work. The drugs laws make prosecutions easy.
The not-so-bright jury swallowed the nonsense and I was sentenced to nineteen years, two or three more years than the Lockerbie airline bomber was serving.
That madman killed 243 passengers and 16 crew in the destruction of Pam Am Flight 103 over Scotland. … Continues on the blogs for my ocean adventuring book, Sailing to Purgatory, at