In search of the perfect breakfast
The first plant to do really well in my garden this spring is rhubarb, and I mean more than doing well. The one clump of rhubarb rose from death-like winter hibernation to almost jungle proportions so quickly I began to think that at heart it must really be a weed

'It is also a good source of Magnesium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Calcium, Potassium and Manganese.’
What's to go with it?
A perfect breakfast to follow my almost-daily workouts at the gym, I mused, and asked Google what might accompany it.
Porridge came the suggestion with a revelation that seemed astonishing. I mean, not every Scot looks exactly wildly healthy.
Sarah Knapton, the Telegraph newspaper’s science editor, reported that researchers at Harvard University found that a small bowl of porridge each day could be the key to a long and healthy life.
By now I was half-way to the discount supermarket for the perfect accompaniment for the now revered just harvested health-packed plant.
And then the unexpected
The rest of the healthy tale should be simply of the enormous good health I experienced with that breakfast. However, as they say when the unexpected is to be introduced … however … how many spoonfuls of porridge make ‘a small bowl’?
I was in a hungry hurry by now and put a guessed amount into the microwave, looking forward to a fast and life-restoring breakfast.
A loud bang announced that the breakfast was proving its surprising power … and was spraying the inside of the microwave, packing loads of it around the door and across its ceiling, and a surprisingly generous splodge under the turning glass part as well.
I learned then that as healthy a breakfast as porridge – and rhubarb - offers, it isn’t to be mistaken for a quick breakfast. Bon appetit!
Continues on the blogs for my ocean adventure book, Sailing to Purgatory, at